General information

The pelvis and pelvic issues
The pelvis is a protective bony structure encompassing a complex region of the body. It houses several crucial organs, including

15 Effective Tips to Relieve Pelvic Pain and Instability
Pelvic pain or discomfort caused by pelvic instability can be challenging, but there are several important strategies to help reduce

Pelvic Instability During Pregnancy: Causes, Symptoms, and 18 Tips for Relief
Pelvic instability is a common condition that affects many pregnant women. It occurs when the hormones released during pregnancy cause

What is pelvic instability? Read everything about it here!
Pelvic instability refers to a condition where the pelvis becomes unstable due to weakened pelvic ligaments. During pregnancy, hormonal changes

Abdominal pressure
The pressure in your abdomen shouldn’t increase too much. You can develop a lot of issues when your abdominal pressure

This is how you recognize pelvic instability
You can recognize pelvic instability by your issues in or around the pelvis. This can be issues like having pain

Specialists and professionals for pelvic pain
The solution for your pelvic pain is finding a suitable specialist or professional combined with the right discipline. Your recovery

Pain in the tailbone. This is what causes it.
Pain in the tailbone. This is what causes it: Pain in the tailbone is a consequence caused by a wrong sitting

Specialists for pelvic instability and pelvic pain. You’ll find help here!
Looking for specialists for pelvic instability and pelvic pain? There are different types of specialists where you can go to when you

Eating and drinking with pelvic issues
With eating and drinking with pelvic issues, we mean the right nutrition for pelvic instability, pelvic pain or other pelvic

The top 3 rated orthopedic and ergonomic seat cushions for pelvic instability, pelvic pain or tailbone pain
Everyday postures and movements can be very painful when you’re dealing with pelvic instability, pelvic pain or tailbone pain. That’s

4 different types of the menopausal transitions
The menopause takes place with women between 40 and 55 years of age and it can take up to 10

This is what you can eat and drink to have a healthy and efficient bowel movement
Fibers and liquids are the most important nutrients for a healthy bowel movement. Fibers are mostly found in natural products.

This is the rectal balloon. The helping tool for your pelvic floor.
The rectal balloon is a tool for your pelvic floor that’s being applied when your circular muscle or pelvic floor

What is a myofeedback examination?
A myofeedback examination is a painless examination where the therapist gets provided AND provides you with information about the shape

A healthy pelvis. Everything you need about pelvis healthy and fit
You can keep your pelvic girdle healthy and fit by training your pelvic floor muscles on a regular basis. For

What is the pelvis? Everything about the pelvis
The pelvis (literally taken from the Latin: Pelvis) is a group of bones consisting out of four different bones that

What is the pelvic floor? Everything you need to know
The pelvic floor, also called the pelvic floor muscles (Latin: Musculus Levator Ani), is a muscle group at the bottom

What is a pelvic physical therapist?
A pelvic physical therapist is a physical therapist specialized in the pelvic field. To become specialized in that field, an